
Endodontic files
Endodontic files

endodontic files

If an endodontic file exhibits debris within its spirals, even after sterilization, it may carry the remnants towards inside root canal. To reach endodontic success, one ought to clearly comprehend not only the root canal morphology, but also its variations 18.

endodontic files

The maintenance of the aseptic chain is essential for a favorable prognosis in endodontic treatment.

endodontic files

After the photomicrographic analysis with stereomicroscopy, the authors concluded that ultrasound was the most effective technique and the cleaning protocol adopted by the dental school was ineffective for a correct sterilization of the instruments. The students were divided into three groups: 1) cleaning by the method adopted by the dental school (non standardized), 2) cleaning with ultrasound, brushing, and soap and 3) none cleaning technique of endodontic files. 16 evaluated the cleaning technique of endodontic files applied by undergraduates.


Manual washing was the least effective technique. They found that although all methods presented debris, the most satisfactory results were found in the group in which ultrasound was used followed by brushing. Figueiredo and Sydney 4 evaluated five techniques: tap water, brush and soap ultrasound and brushing brushing and ultrasound and only ultrasound. The most effective method was the sponge.

endodontic files

The author evaluated the cleaning through dry gauze, flask with sponge, and flask with gauze. On the other hand, Sousa 19 conducted a comparative study on four cleaning methods. Queiroz 15 emphasized that cleaning techniques aiming at eliminating the debris within the file spirals must be used to prevent the disinfection and sterilization process. The lack of standardization of the cleaning methods of the endodont ic f i les results in many controversies related to the most effective decontamination protocol, thus raising great interest in this subject 13. Because of the design, presenting angles between the spirals and the long axis of the files, the authors report great difficulty in the cleaning of these instruments 13,21. Accordingly, debris are left along their spirals. The action of the file is to scratch the root canal walls to detach dentin portions and remove it towards outside the canals. They have been considered as critical instruments because they penetrate within subepithelial tissues, reaching the vascular system 7. The endodont ic files are composed with stainless steel or nickel-titanium and display their active point with different cross-sectional designs, forming their spirals 6. Keywords: biosafety Endodontics cleaning method. It can be concluded that the association between manual and ultrasound cleaning may be promising in ensuring a cleaning protocol for endodontic files cleaning. In control group, 91% of the spirals presented debris. Cleaning with alcohol and gauze proved to be ineffective, showing debris in more than 40% of the spirals by visual analysis.


Results: Manual cleaning with enzymatic detergent and nylon bristle brush, ultrasound with either water or detergent showed the best cleaning capacity in which respectively 100%, 98.9% and 96.2%, of the spirals were free of debris. The spirals containing debris were counted. Next, all files were photographed and photographs were printed at high quality. After instrumentation, the contamination and the presence of debris in the sulcus was confirmed and the files were randomly divided into four groups: control group (without cleaning), group 1 (enzymatic detergent + manual brushing with nylon bristle brush), group 2 (ultrasound + enzymatic detergent), group 3 (ultrasound + water) and group 4 (gauze embedded in 70% alcohol). Material and methods: For this purpose, 30 new size #40 Flexofile were used for the preparation of the canals of mandibular molars of pigs. Objective: To evaluate the cleaning ability of four techniques used in dentistry. However, there is neither a method nor technique that standardized the cleaning of these instruments. The debris maintenance within the sulcus prevents the effective sterilization and may compromise the disinfection of root canal systems in endodontic therapy. Introduction: Due to the size and design of endodontic files, these instruments have been considered one of the most difficult to clean among all dental instruments. I Department of Dentistry, Positivo University – Curitiba – PR – Brazil Comparative analysis of four cleaning methods of endodontic filesīárbara Guandalini I Ivana Vendramini I Denise Piotto Leonardi I Flávia Sens Fagundes Tomazinho I Paulo Henrique Tomazinho I

Endodontic files